
On July 6, 2012, Austria issued three self-adhesive stamps for standard letters within Austria, to Europe and to the rest of the world. At the time their face values were 62 Cent, 70 Cent and 1.70 € respectively. The “Austria” stamp was missing the borders Liechtenstein and did not separate Slovakia and Hungary. The “Europe” stamp had the Serbian Vojvodina region as a separate country and was missing the borderlines between Serbia and Montenegro. Both stamps were issued again in October 2012 with the appropriate corrections.

Liechtenstein Hungary Slovakia standard
Vojvodina Serbia Monetnegro Europe
standard world


Maps first issue with wrong borders (Liechtenstein, Vojvodina, Montenegro, Slovakia, Hungary)

Liechtenstein Slovakia Hungary Austria
Vojvodina Serbia Montenegro Europe


Corrected issue

Liechtenstein missing borders no border Hungary Slovakia


Left: Liechtenstein borders missing

Right: Liechtenstein with borders


Left: No border between Slovakia and Hungary

Right: Borderline between Slovakia and Hungary

Serbia Montenegro Vojvodina
Serbia Montenegro Vojvodina


Left: Vojvodina separated from Serbia, no border between Serbia and Montenegro

Right: Vojvodina part of Serbia, border between Serbia and Montenegro