Synanthropic Birds

On July 22, 1997, a self-adhesive stamp dedicated to the Jacarini Finch (Volatinia jacarina) was issued as part of the definitive stamp series "Synanthropic birds" Among others, the stamp read "Brasil 97". The stamp had no imprinted face value and was sold at 0.31 Rial at the time of issue. In 2000, a stamp with the same image was issued with the inscription "Brasil 2000".


After a postal robbery in which a substantial part of the 2000 issue was stolen, the stamp was taken out of circulation by the post office. After the truck that disappeared in the mail robbery and the stamps were recovered, the stamps were sold again starting in January 2001. The face value then was 0.45 Rial.

Jacarini Finch Volatinia jacarina postal robbery Synanthropic birds


2000 stamp

Jacarini Finch Volatinia jacarina postal robbery Synanthropic birds


1997 stamp