Ivo Andrić

On December 10, 2011, commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the Literature Nobel Prize (1961) awarded to novelist and poet Ivo Andrić (1892-1975), the Serbian part of Bosnia, Srpska, issued a stamp. The stamp had “поштe Српскe” (Serbian Post) imprinted but was missing the country name.


Therefore the stamp was withdrawn on the day of issue. Depending on the information source, allegedly, 400, 1.000 or 2.951 stamps respectively have been sold before withdrawal. 3 months later a corrected stamp reading “Босна и Херцеговина - Република Српска” (Bosnia Herzegovina – Republic Srpska) has been issued. 15.000 copies of the stamp have been printed.

Ivo Andrić поштe Српскe Serbian Post Босна и Херцеговина Република Српска Bosnia Herzegovina – Republic Srpska


Left: Withdrawn stamp

Right: Corrected stamp